I graduated from Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania with a law degree. As a part of my university course I had the subject basics of mediation which inspired me to become a mediator and help people to solve their disagreements in a peaceful way. During this course I gained lots of knowledge and practical skills on how to help people to communicate effectively. I continuously participate in mediation related training in Scotland and Lithuania.
Contact details
- Telephone: 07969954997
- Mobile: 07969954997
- Email: dovileburokaite@gmail.com
- Business & Commercial
- Community & Neighbour
- Education
- Equalities
- Family (Elder, Homelessness, Young People)
- Health/NHS
- Housing and Property
- Workplace & Employment
Works in
Grampian, Highland, Orkney and Shetland, Outwith Scotland, South and East, South and West, Tayside, Western IslesEnglish, Lithuanian