The “third sector “ includes those organisations that are neither public nor private sector. It includes voluntary and community organisations (both registered charities and other organisations such as associations, self-help groups and community groups).
In the Third Sector, mediation can be used in a wide variety of situations and is especially useful when disputes have arisen or there are relationship difficulties between board members, committee members, employees or volunteers. The very passion, drive and commitment that draws people into the third sector can heighten issues and very quickly escalate disagreements into major disputes. This is not only stressful and unpleasant for everyone involved but can lead to the loss of valuable individuals who choose to walk away from the stress and in some cases can jeopardise the future of the whole organisation. The need for third sector organisations to collaborate and work in partnership can also give rise to difficulties.
An independent mediator can help people work out and express what their issues are and then explore what options might be available for moving forward.
The Scottish Mediation Third Sector Project provides support and low cost mediation tailored to the needs of the sector.
Anyone in the third sector can phone Scottish Mediation Network for advice on whether an issue is appropriate for mediation. If it is and both parties are happy to participate, Scottish Mediation will arrange for a professional, accredited mediator to conduct a mediation at a low cost depending upon the size of the organisation. Organisations with an income of under £50,000 p.a. may be eligible for mediation at no cost.
For more details about the project please see our current Third Sector Report and to read some case studies of meditations undertaken please click the following link Case Studies 1 – 6
For more information on Third Sector Mediation please click HERE or phone the Scottish Mediation Helpline on 0131 556 8118 and quote “Third Sector”.