It is a public statement of any organisation’s willingness to use mediation as a way of resolving disputes and to equipping its people with the skills of mediation.
The Charter is based on a self-assessment approach. Organisations are declaring that they fulfill the two commitments of a willingness to use mediation in resolving disputes and to equip their people with mediation skills.
There is no cost in signing up to the Charter.
Using mediation to resolve disputes can be more effective and help maintain both internal and external relationships. This can have a positive impact on an organisations culture. Organisations that are skilled in dealing in conflict can also use its positive force for innovation and change.
Signing up gives an indication to key stakeholders that the organisation is one that seeks and encourages dialogue as a core part of the way it conducts business.
By signing up to the Charter organisations can share with and learn from other Charter Partners through events through a leader’s network.
There will be resources available to Charter Partners such as template policies and procedures and information and signposting to help take mediation forward.
Using mediation can help to resolve disputes more promptly avoiding drawn out grievances, court action and other formal procedures. It has the potential to sustain relationships. In doing so it can take a number of forms from simply using mediation skills in an organisation to a formal mediation if required. Using the above approach can also save on the costs of resolving disputes and with the focus on those involved produce more sustainable solutions.
The Charter
Mediation is about helping people find ways to sort out their disagreements.
We believe that the use of mediation and mediative approaches leads to more productive relationships, better governance, and an inclusive culture. We believe mediation is a good way to resolve disagreements that is creative, maintains and restores relationships, and provides longterm solutions. We also understand that when engaged with in good faith and willingly, mediation can be a timely, affordable, and empowering way of resolving disagreements.
Recognising the above and to signal our commitment, we shall do our best to foster, encourage, and support the use of mediation in Scotland through the following:
Action 1
When differences arise between us and another person or organisation, we are prepared to explore the use of mediation in good faith to resolve disagreements.
Action 2
Where appropriate and suitable, we will insert a mediation clause in any of our contracts, agreements, or forms.
Action 3
We will seek to promote mediation to our staff and engage them in ways to equip them with the knowledge and skills to constructively resolve disagreements.
Action 4
We agree that our name and logo be published on the Scottish Mediation Charter website and other communications as a signatory to this charter.
Action 5
We will display the Scottish Mediation Charter logo on our website or other communications where applicable.
To view a list of the Charter partners please click HERE
If you would like to sign up to the Charter simply complete the form below or download, sign it and return it to admin@scottishmediation.org.uk
Once you have done this, we’ll check with you and then add your organisation’s name to our list of Charter Partners.