Turning Disagreement into Opportunity
This 3 hour interactive workshop facilitated by Andrew Boyd (see biography below) will consider what confidentiality means to mediators and their clients, what part it plays in the mediation session, in agreements and post session. Mediators will be invited to explore their own issues regarding confidentiality and have the opportunity to share and discuss how it has affected their practice.
Andrew’s Biography: Andrew is a registered mediator, working with Cyrenians in Edinburgh and works predominantly with young people and their families. He is also the Mediation and Conflict Resolution Advisor for the Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution. Initially trained in community mediation, he also mediates in workplace, court and landlord/tenant disputes. Andrew is a consultant with Common Ground Mediation, who provide Additional Support Needs Mediation throughout Scotland. Following completion of an LLB in Law, he completed his MSc in Mediation and Conflict Resolution at Strathclyde University.
This CPD event is suitable for new and experienced mediators in any mediation discipline.
Glasgow – Monday 21st October 2019, 1pm – 4pm, SCVO, Brunswick House, 51 Wilson Street, Galsgow, G1 1UZ
Costs: £25 SMN Members, £50 Non-Members (Organisational members can send up to 2 people at member rates)
Bring a Friend: Scottish Mediation members are invited to bring a friend along to any of the above CPD and for your friend to enjoy member rates for the event. If they are subsequently interested in joining SM there will be discounts available for that too.
To book this event please click HERE