Turning Disagreement into Opportunity
We would like to invite our members to a mediator catch up session on Tuesday 19th May to meet up with fellow mediators and share experiences and best practice – the meeting will last between 1-1.5 hours depending on numbers attending and discussions on the day.
If you would like to join the meeting please email admin@scottishmediation.org.uk and you will receive joining instructions including the Zoom link by Monday 18th May.
At this meeting we would like to facilitate a session on –
Tweaking the Toolkit – skills for remote mediations
The focus will be on mediation skills (listening, questioning, summarising,reframing etc.) and how these are best used in non face to face mediations.
We are looking for 2 volunteers who would be willing to share their experience/tips in a 10 minute presentation and answer questions. 1 volunteer for ‘Telephone Mediation’ and 1 volunteer for ‘Online Mediation’
If you would be willing to volunteer then please email admin@scottishmediation.org.uk by 4.00pm on Wednesday 13th May.