Turning Disagreement into Opportunity
These CPD sessions run by Jeremy Scuse (Catalyst Mediation – please see biography below) will consider the implications of the parties’ temperaments for mediators, some of the associated concepts and whether making parties aware of their “temperament types” might first help them understand more of the background to their disagreements and second point the way to future behaviours.
Mediators will receive notes on the topic before the session and links to undertake their own temperament tests – which they may choose to share or not!
They will also have an opportunity to explore their own issues regarding temperament and share and discuss experiences of how it has affected their practice in past cases.
This CPD event is suitable for new and experienced mediators in any mediation discipline.
Costs: £20 SMN Members, £40 Non-Members
(Organisational members can send up to 2 people at member rates)
Bring a Friend: SMN members are invited to bring a friend along to any of the above CPD and for your friend to enjoy member rates for the event. If they are subsequently interested in joining the Network there will be discounts available for that too.
CPD: 3 hours
Booking: Please email admin@scottishmediation.org.uk specifying when you would like to attend.
Jeremy Scuse BSc Hons. FIOD MHR
I have always been interested in what makes people tick. My career started with a degree in Psychology and then 25 years in senior international marketing, followed by 10 years setting up my own companies and acting as a Non Executive Director for entrepreneurs. I accredited as a Mediator with CEDR in 2003 and set up Catalyst Mediation in 2005. We have helped people to resolve many different commercial, IPR, workplace, estate, partnership and shareholder disputes. I coach, train, lecture, share skills and give demonstrations of communication, negotiation, early dispute resolution and mediation to councils, HR staff, legal firms, their clients, mediators, in fact anyone I can persuade to sit still for long enough.