Turning Disagreement into Opportunity
A short presentation followed by a Q&A. The presentation will be led by Heather Zajac our new Project Officer Training and Practice.
From the 1st April 2021 all mediators, when renewing practitioner status, will be required to provide information that they have met the new revised standards.
The changes are to maintain and improve standards with an approach that encourages reflection on mediation practice at an appropriate level, balancing the skills of mediators and the protection of clients.
The previous practice standards for mediators were put in place in 2010. To ensure that our standards still continue to be at an appropriate level, Scottish Mediation undertook a review following a year long consultation, resulting in these changes.
To see the table for comparisons to the old and new standards, please click HERE. We hope you can join us and look forward to updating you on the changes.
Tuesday 2nd Feb 2021 OR Tuesday 2nd March, 10.30am -11.30am. Link to be sent out nearer the time.
Please note this event is for members only. The event will take place online (Zoom)
To book this event please click HERE