Turning Disagreement into Opportunity
Join us for our annual conference, Mediate 2022, for a day of listening, learning, connecting and reflecting. The event will include the following:
Keynote Speakers:
Kathryn Mannix, who believes that bringing ourselves into conversations that we perceive as ‘tender’ rather than ‘difficult’ can help us to be companions to people in distress. Rather than ‘fixing,’ we can validate their experience and help them to be authors of their own solutions.
Dr Gurchathen S Sanghera FRSA:
Future Challenges for Mediation in Scotland.
Gurchathen joined the School of International Relations in 2007 and is a Senior Lecturer. Gurchathen’s research explores the complexities of social justice and, in particular, the discursive and material reproduction of marginalisation and exclusion globally, nationally and locally. More specifically, his research is concerned with examining the ways in which various forms of discrimination intersect (for example caste, class, gender, geographical, sexual, religious) to shape people’s everyday lives and how, in turn, people respond to such processes. This work draws on empirical research and is also informed by theoretical debates. He has conducted extensive fieldwork in India, Liberia, Haiti, and the UK (Bradford and Scotland)
Peer Mediation (Kathryn Hilditch) – Scottish Mediation has recently been working across Fife council and developing a new model of Peer Mediation delivery to support this. What have we learned? What have we changed? What’s the future?
What happens when mediations get stuck (Tony Buon) – It can be challenging and frustrating for all when mediation gets stuck. In this interactive session, Tony will explore what mediators can do to help the parties move forward.
Adapting Practice (Charlie Irvine)– Does one size fits all when mediating? How might you adapt your mediation process and style to fit different types of cases?
Conflict Avoidance in the construction industry (Len Bunton) – A big focus in the construction industry is a switch in focus from Dispute resolution to conflict avoidance. Where does mediation fit with this, what’s involved and are there lesson for other sectors?
Mediators Green Pledge – Led by Emma Anstead the workshop will examine how mediators can take practical steps to reduce the environmental impact of their practice.
Using Mediation at Protests and Demonstrations – Exploring how mediation can be applied in the context of live protests and demonstrations.
Panel discussion and social gathering at the end of the day. Additional speakers and workshops to be announced soon!
We look forward to welcoming you to our conference!
At Scottish Mediation we would not want cost to be a barrier for those who wish to come along, if this is hindering you from attending please contact us at admin@scottishmediation.org.uk. There is also an option to donate towards tickets for others on the ticket page.
To book this event please click HERE