Scottish Mediation’s AGM is taking place on Monday 9th October online. Once we are finished our AGM business we are delighted to welcome Sriram Panju as our guest speaker.
India recently passed a Mediation Act and Sriram who was centrally involved in the process will will talk about how it came about, what’s in it and his perspectives on how it will shape the future of mediation in India.
Sriram has been in the forefront of the mediation movement in India, and is an internationally recognized Indian mediator. He is an alumnus of the Government Law College, Bombay. He commenced practice in 1976 at the Madras High Court and was designated a Senior Advocate in 1996. His field of law practice is constitutional and commercial law, and he has appeared pro bono in several significant public interest.
For almost thirty years he has been in the forefront of the mediation movement in India. In 2005, he set up India’s first court – annexed mediation centre at the Madras High Court, and has assisted the Supreme Court and other High Courts to do so. He has trained over a thousand mediators. His books on mediation are Settle for More (2007) and Mediation Practice & Law (2011 and 2015) and the Commercial Mediation Monograph (2019).
He has mediated a large number of complex and high-value commercial disputes in India and abroad. He has also been appointed by the Supreme Court of India to mediate significant public disputes; this includes a border dispute between the States of Assam and Nagaland, and a dispute within the Parsi community in Bombay over a ban on priests.
The guest speaker slot is at 5pm and there is an open invitation to anyone who is interested to join us. If you’d like to joint the meeting please email